One of my favorite newly learned design skill is utilizing Canva to create original and informational images. Throughout the semester, I have been tasked to create Instagram posts for the Auburn PR account. This includes sometimes creating informational graphics to go along with the appropriate information.
These are some of the graphics that I have been able to create via Canva.
Discovering the convenience offered by Canva was a game changer for my everyday posting tasks. On Canva, you set which kind of post you are creating such as, Facebook or Instagram. This feature then creates the exact measurements that you need for your post. This is a quick and easy tool that ensures your graphic fits the box and that the image and words do not get skewed.
More everyday purposes that Canva offers include templates for resumes, business cards and more! This summer I hope to get an internship and need to clean up my resume to make it pop. Canva offers so many templets that are professional and eye-catching. These templates are not overwhelming to the viewer and could be the perfect way to make your accomplishments stand out. When creating a resume, you want to stay professional, but also make sure your personality shines through on paper. Interviewers see so many resumes that are just boring in black and white. I want mine to be different, clean and to show who I am.
Another business feature they offer is logo building. Logos are a fun way to embed the image of your name in people’s heads. They typically are clean and simple, which is imperative when making sure you do not overwhelm the viewer. Canva logo templates offer a plethora of options whether you are looking for something strictly business, or if you are looking for something more playful.
This clean and easy way to switch up your logo makes creating new content for your business ventures not so daunting. You could have a new logo inspiration every day with this tool!
Spark is another tool offered by Adobe that is a refreshing way to spice up your content.
Just like Canva, Spark has an array of templates to choose from. You can also add Gifs to your images. A Gif is the perfect way to make your social media entertaining for your audience. There are a lot of similarities between Canva and Spark, you just have to decide which program fits your needs and your aesthetic best.
If you can’t find a template or Gif you like on Canva, Spark might have more of what you are looking for and vise versa!
Canva and Spark are here for your everyday design needs. Either program will make your content stand out!